Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The rest

The next day was obedience, where Sketch was First in Open B and High in Trial.

(photo by Iris Andre)

The next day was Sweeps, which we didn't do so we got to sit around and rest.  On Thursday he was entered in the regular breed and won the Bred-By class.

(photo by Victor Hewer)

No love in Winners but that's OK, since he still didn't have much coat!

Here he is with all his loot from the trip!  He also earned a Versatility award.

Monday, July 10, 2017

A trip to the midwest

We are at the CCRCA specialty, and started out by doing three trials in Monroe, MI.  The first two he Q'd with lackluster scores and no placement, but the third trial he won with a 195.  

 Then it was on to Ohio for the WC/X/Q test where he earned his WCX easily.

photo by Iris Andre
photo by Hannie

Tomorrow we do obedience again!