Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Good news, bad news

Good news, bad news at the vet today. Good news is that Sketch's tendon is quite a bit improved, bad news is that he needs to be confined for another two weeks (at least - I didn't tell Sketch that part). So when Rick got home, we set up an x-pen so he could be with the rest of the family and have a bit more room.

Since this is our whelping set up, I wonder if he is having flashbacks from his puppyhood?

Friday, May 20, 2016

No good deed goes unpunished

Guess who chewed through his leash while hanging out in the yard yesterday ...


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Craziness in a box

So, we did go to the vet and Sketcher has injured the big tendon that goes over his knee cap.  For awhile, there was the possibility of surgery, but a second visit to the vet shows that the swelling is going down.  Now it's two more weeks of crate rest and then we go back and see if maybe he can start (HAHAHA) controlled walks.

Meanwhile, boredom.

Today, I let him lay out on the lawn and watch the world go by while I gardened.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Broken again - sigh

We made a two week trip starting in Lewiston, ID and then on to Pendleton, OR the next weekend.  On the way up, Sketch managed to hurt himself while the dogs were swimming in the Salmon River.  It appears that he banged his left stifle on something, and he was totally lame-not-gonna-put-this-foot-on-the-ground at first, then worked his way to using it but still a little lame.  It's about two and half week later and he is still slightly lame, so he'll go to the vet on Monday if he is still lame then.

So, he ended up spending a lot of time in his crate.  Which he didn't have a problem with as long as it still hurt, but that only lasted a couple of days.  We did some sight seeing ...

This is the altar at the Stonehenge replic in Mayhill, WA.

He did a little controlled swimming in a cove off of the Columbia River.

I let him run loose at Walker Lake on the way home, which probably wasn't a good idea but he was SOOOOOO BORED!!!  ;-)