Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Monday, January 16, 2012

NAHRA in the desert

This weekend Dodger, Proxy, Lucky Kitty (and friends) and I drove out to near Phoenix to run Dodger in Senior in NAHRA.

It was COLD in the mornings - me being cheap, we stayed on the grounds in the truck.  BRRRR

But it was worth it - Dodger earned his first MHR leg.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

house plants & paint

This poor jacaranda tree pretty much drowned out front during some rain we had awhile back; I'd forgotten that the pot didn't have a hole in the bottom for the excess water to drain out of.  When I finally noticed, it's branches were falling off so I brought it inside to see if it would survive.  Even tho it's been a couple of weeks and the dirt still hasn't dried up, it's recovering!

Itty bitty little leaves coming out of what looks like a dead stick - pretty amazing.

The coleus is going nuts, with three long flower stems.

Still working on stripping paint in the kitchen - it's killing my fingers but I get three days off this weekend as Dodger, Prosy and I are going to AZ for a NAHRA trial.

And just because - Kitty in the Box!  ;-)

She had to quit playing so I could put stuff in it for the trip.

Friday, January 6, 2012

house and flowers

Rick finished sanding the foyer and put primer on it so it looks a lot better.
He also re-cladded one of the beams.
Meanwhile, I'm still working on stripping paint in the kitchen - before:
and after

Plus, my coleus bloomed!