Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Sunday, May 13, 2012

misc stuff

The work on the house continues.  Rick has painted most of the big room at the back of the house and taken down the "popcorn" on the ceiling.

 We've been going to obedience and Rally trials - Proxy keeps blowing wins, sigh, but Teaz finished her RN and has two legs on her RA, both with placements.
House plants continue to bloom, such as this spider plant
and the other day Kitty had a meeting on the bed with all of her minions <G>

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last couple of weeks

The third weekend of April the girls and I traveled up to Vallejo for conformation and obedience competition.  Proxy won two more OTCh points but the star of the weekend was Teaz.  She won two Ch points and two BN legs with Second and First, to finish that title.

The next weekend I ring stewarded in obedience for back to back Lab specialties, which is way too much work!  ;-)  No flowers so I took pictures of birds - two of a Western Bluebird

and one of an Acorn Woodpecker.  Next weekend I am ring stewarding on Saturday AND showing - ought to be fun, cough.