Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Catching up

We've been doing more traveling to obedience trials - Spokane, WA, Reno, NV (that one with Rick!) and Grass Valley, CA.  Proxy is up to 67 OTCh points now, winning 20 in Spokane with two Utility Firsts and a High Combined ...

... and in Reno she won another 20 points by winning Utility AND finally getting her Open First as well, which also gave her High in Trial and High Combined.  Plus she finished her UDX and OM3 there...

... and, in Grass Valley she crashed and burned, only managing to Q in 3 out of 8 classes!  Maybe too much tracking.  <G>

On the way to Spokane I took some pictures of flowers -

and a picture of the moon reflected in both Klamath Lake and my rear view mirror.

On the way home from Reno, Proxy got to fetch bumpers from Lake Topaz.

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