Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Starting again

I haven't posted anything for awhile because Dodger's heart gave out on March 6th, so I really wasn't up for it.  We are trying to get back on track but it isn't easy losing a good friend and travel companion.

So, last weekend the girls and I went to a NAHRA trial at Goose Lake.  Neither qualified but that was OK as the whole point was to see what we need to work on for the AKC test next month at Prado.  The first day the weather was nice, and Proxy enjoyed herself chasing the Black Tailed Jackrabbits.
This is the best picture I got - if you squint you can see him at the arrow.  I also got a halfway decent picture of a Meadow Lark.
and one of the girls, Proxy on the left and Teaz on the right.
We stayed on the grounds and when I went potty late at night I got a picture of a big bullfrog
That night, it started raining, and raining, and...  Sunday's trial was awful, I was so glad to pack up and head home!

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