Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Update to my last post, I have apparently either injured myself (doctor thinks no) or am having an RA flare (may find out on Monday) due to the Flatcoat WC/X test last weekend.  I ran setup/test/pickup/bye dog and did some training on both Friday and Saturday, and stayed too long on Saturday.  At some point during the weekend I woke up in the morning to a very swollen knuckle on my left hand, one of the ones closest to the hand not out on a finger.

This is it after a course of steroids and anti-inflammatories, and mid day when it is at it's least irritated.  I cannot close nor open the hand all the way, and I probably shouldn't be typing with it.  ;-)  But damn it's boring not being able to do anything!  I don't use it in the mornings at all and very little the rest of the day.  It most likely will turn out to be another indication that I cannot do much in the way of field work anymore...

For something much better - Kitty!

I thought she was awfully cute with her paws over her eyes and took a picture...

Apparently, she didn't think much of that!  ;-)

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