Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fauna we don't like... Prado.  As I was setting up a water triple with double blind at Fred's for Dodger to run, Helena motored up in the golf cart and told me that a rattlesnake had bitten one of her workers, who fortunately was wearing boots so the fangs didn't go thru.  They'd tried to get it, but it got away into the heavy bushes on the other side of the water.  Right near where I'd set the line to run from of course.

This isn't the snake in question, it's one I saw while looking at wildflowers in one of the county parks a couple of years ago, but it is most likely the same species.  I went ahead and ran that setup, but for Proxy I put the line on the other side of the pond!  Hopefully they will find and dispatch the bugger before the hunt test this weekend.

Later we went to the front field to run some marks and blinds there, and OMG the flies are getting insane.  They know that winter (such as it is here) is coming, so they are going crazy trying to do something - I suppose lay eggs that are going to winter over or something.  I was twitching and swatting the whole time I was there.

Let us in let us in!!!

And just as I was picking up the winger after we were done, here come four Pointers from waaaaaay down the other end of the field, right thru where one of my marks and one blind had been.  Ya know, I like Pointers, Leslie has cool ones and I may have one some day.  But the people who train them for field work at Prado have got to be some of the most clueless folk and these ones were no different.  They let all these dogs out of their truck, maybe 400-500 yards away and then just ignored them while they ran amok.  They were very lucky that I was done before that happened!

I guess I shouldn't have been surprised - when this guy drove in the front gate, he was going way too fast and almost spread himself all over the front of a semi that was taking silage out.

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