Sketcher Scribbles

Sketcher Scribbles

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A different leg

As it turned out, Sketch actually broke off a nail on his front foot trying to dig his way to Suede on the way up to Oregon.  Eventually it wore down enough to expose the quick making him lame on and off, depending on what he was doing.  Now he has a big bandage on his foot and is healing well, so I am hoping he will be able to do the ASCA trials on Saturday.  Don't tell the vet!  ;-)


Friday, May 19, 2017

Not again!

So, Sketcher managed to hurt his leg again on the trip to Oregon.  Maybe doing this ...

 ... or this ...

However he managed to do it, he's not really lame, just sort of ouchie.  So it looks like he isn't going to be doing Open at the Mission circuit.  And he's REALLY bored.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

CD title

Finished off with a bang!  Won his second High in Trial with a 198.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Leg number two

Today was a very good day.  The only obvious thing he did wrong during the individuals was he sneezed and went a bit wide once, and maybe a bump on the figure 8.  Won the class with 198.5 and also was High in Trial!


Friday, May 12, 2017

Better today

His individual exercises weren't as good because the ring was a bit more distracting, but his stays appeared solid so he Q'd with a 194.5 and First place.

Later on, we went out to play with his winnings.


Thursday, May 11, 2017


Somebody got up on the down stay with 5 seconds to go, blowing a 198.5 and High in Trial!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Last "expensive match" before the big time!

We went to Hollywood DOC's trial where Teaz once again failed to get another UDX leg (I suppose I should work her some...).  This was also Sketch's last "practice" before we go for his CD and he did quite well.  He won Preferred Novice with a 197.5, so hopefully he will do as well next weekend!